Symposium on “Novel theoretical approaches for membrane transport processes in drinking water production”

7 February 2017, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

A one-day symposium focused on membrane modelling was held in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands) during the International Conference on Membranes in Drinking and Industrial Water Production (MDIW), organized by the European Desalination Society and Wetsus.

The focus of the symposium has been presenting novel theoretical approaches to model membrane processes for drinking water production and related technologies, including different scales of microscopic models, empirical models and phenomenological approaches.

This modeling symposium and the MDIW2017 Conference, with a total attendance of 130 participants, has been a successful event that brought together experts in membrane science from both academia and industries.


List of speakers and titles (download the full list here)

  • K. C. Smith (keynote)
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
    Desalination and energy-harvesting dynamics of (reverse) electrodialysis stacks utilizing intercalation electrodes
  • A. Ghoufi, E. Drazevic, A. Szymczyk
    Université de Rennes 1, France | Aarhus University, Denmark
    Interactions of organics within hydrated selective layer of reverse osmosis desalination membrane: a combined experimental and computational study
  • C. Galinha, J. Crespo
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
    Hybrid modelling of membrane bioreactors integrating 2D fluorescence data
  • P.M. Biesheuvel
    Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Combined ion and water flow in ion exchange membranes and carbon nanotubes: From Space Charge theory to Stefan Maxwell, for single pores and full ED cells
  • J.E. Dykstra
    Wageningen University | Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Energy consumption modeling in membrane capacitive deionization
  • J. Catalano
    Aarhus University, Denmark
    Electrokinetic energy conversion with membranes: phenomenological vs. microscopic modelling and the effect of hydrodynamic slip
  • B. Balannec, H. Zhu, A. Ghoufi, A. Szymczyk
    Université de Rennes 1, France | Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    Improving pressure-driven ion separations by nanoporous membranes with optimized pore geometry and surface charge density
  • T.M. Mubita, J.E. Dykstra, S. Porada, A. van der Wal
    Wageningen University | Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Water desalination with wires: transport modeling for ideal and leaky membranes
  • S. Galier, A. Fuoco, G. De Luca, H. Roux-de Balmann
    Université Paul Sabatier, France | Instituto per la TecnoIogia delle Membrane ITM-CNR, Italy
    Molecular modelling of membrane-solute interactions in desalination systems using ion exchange membranes
  • M. Tedesco
    Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Theory and perspective of water desalination by shock electrodialysis
  • I. Hitsov, K. De Sitter, C. Dotremont, I. Nopens
    Ghent University | VITO, Belgium
    Full-scale air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) model, opportunities for module design improvement
  • J. Palmeri
    Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse 3, France
    Modeling dielectric exclusion effects in ionic transport through hydrophobic nanopores
  • S. Pawlowski, J. Crespo, S. Velizarov
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
    Modelling of reverse electrodialysis for improving its design and performance
  • D.A.M. de Winter, S. Porada, H.V.M. Hamelers, A. van der Wal, P.M. Biesheuvel
    Wetsus | Wageningen University, The Netherlands
    Carbon nanotube membranes: from paper to practice
  • J. Palmeri, A. Deratani
    Université Montpellier, France
    Signature of non-electrostatic interactions in nanofiltration
  • H. Wyss
    TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    Exploiting the physics of exclusion zone formation for water purification
  • S. Ahualli, M.M. Fernández, G.R. Iglesias, M.L. Jiménez, A.V. Delgado
    Universidad de Granada, Spain
    Effect of multi-valent ions on capacitive water desalination by soft electrodes
  • A. de Lichtervelde, A. ter Heijne, P.M. Biesheuvel
    Wageningen University | Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Dynamic membrane theory for bioelectrochemical systems
  • G.C. Franken, J.E. Dykstra
    Wetsus | Wageningen University, The Netherlands
    Modelling ion transport and adsorption in porous carbon electrodes including the effect of chemical charge
  • C. Ersoy, M. Tedesco
    Wetsus, The Netherlands
    Identifying optimal membrane thickness for (reverse) electrodialysis
  • Y.S. Oren, R.G.H. Lammertink, P.M. Biesheuvel
    Wetsus | University of Twente, The Netherlands
    Ion transfer in reverse osmosis membranes

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